Our Mission

ReBalance is a community and brand centered around the importance of finding your balance in everyday life between your professional goals and personal goals. From work, to school, to fun, to passion projects - this is a space to show you how to create a more productive, holistically healthy, and wellness oriented best life.

Why do we donate 10% to the Jericho Partnership nonprofit?

The Jericho Partnership supports at-risk youth in Danbury, CT with mentoring, tutoring, and social programs, with a focus on those who are struggling emotionally & mentally. By supporting ReBalance, you are helping us extend our influence across the state. 

The importance of Finding Your Balance

As young adults, we're navigating a multitude of life's facets: academics, professional pursuits, social connections, family commitments, and our holistic well-being—just to name a few. Amidst these demands, it's easy to lose sight of our personal needs and goals.

ReBalance is where busy, ambitious people meet relaxation, wellness, and personal pursuits. We understand the importance of the hustle as well and the importance of relaxation.

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Our Lifestyle

To Find Your Balance, it is recommended to find at least one activity that is productive and one that is relaxing or personal. Whether it be going to the gym, journaling, a quick walk outdoors, or something as simple as taking the garbage out. Start from wherever you are with whatever you've got.

We focus on your holistic health. When one aspect of your live is thriving, it spreads into the many other important areas, boosting your motivation to keep achieving.

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